Polio Essay,The History of Poliomyelitis Essay
WebPolio had existed in society for a long time in history, although not as big a problem in history as in the 20th century, when greater emphasis was put on sanitation and children WebJan 9, · About 1 out of 4 people (or 25 out of ) with poliovirus infection will have flu-like symptoms that can include: These symptoms usually last 2 to 5 days, then go away on their own. A smaller proportion Missing: essay WebPolio was a deadly disease that struck the United States hard with various epidemic breakouts throughout the country. There are many books written about the disease and WebPolio Is An Infectious Disease Essay • Eating food or drinking water contaminated with the virus found in human waste. • Contact with infected mucus or sputum from the nose or WebThe discovery of the polio vaccine was an important medical and scientific breakthrough because it saved many lives since the s. In the summer of the great polio ... read more
Because of advances in medical science, your child can be protected against more diseases than ever before. Some diseases that once injured or killed thousands of children, have been eliminated completely and others are close to extinction primarily due to safe and effective vaccines. Polio is one example of the great impact that vaccines had have in the United States Five. Essay Topics Writing. Home Page Research The Polio Vaccine Essay. The Polio Vaccine Essay Decent Essays. Open Document. The Polio Vaccine The discovery of the polio vaccine was an important medical and scientific breakthrough because it saved many lives since the s.
In the summer of the great polio epidemic struck the United states. By the s hundreds of thousands of people had been struck by the poliomyelitis. The highest number of cases occurred in with over 50, people infected with the virus. When hygienic conditions were poor polio attacked infants. The disease was spread by contaminated water and contact with fecal contamination. Many infants died when the conditions were poor. But as conditions improved the virus spread differently. It was spread more through playmates and family members, the contamination came from the …show more content… Dean William McEllroy talked Salk into joining the university full-time.
One was to continue the work he was doing on influenza, second was to begin working with the polio virus. A few months after arriving in Pittsburgh, Salk was visited by the director of research at the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. The director asked Salk if he would be willing to participate in a polio typing program. This gave Salk a chance to get funding, equipment, a laboratory facility, and to hire a staff to work for and with him. Salk's previous work gave him the idea that a killed virus could in fact work when others thought it couldn't. To type the polio virus Salk infected monkeys with polio by injecting it into them or feeding it to them.
If a monkey survived it built up antibodies to protect against the virus. The monkeys that survived were then given another type of virus to see if the same antibodies protected against the second type. If it did, it told Salk and his assistants that the two types were related. If it did not, that told Salk that they were not related. Get Access. Decent Essays. Essay on Polio an American Story by David M. Ochinsky Words 5 Pages. Read More. Good Essays. Polio Vaccine : An Infectious Disease Words 5 Pages. Polio Vaccine : An Infectious Disease. The Negative Effects Of The Polio Vaccine Words 4 Pages. The Negative Effects Of The Polio Vaccine. Polio Vaccine History Words 5 Pages. Polio Vaccine History.
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Although polio is deadly, sometimes, contractors of polio do not show any symptoms. It mainly affects children under the age of five, although individuals of any age may contract it World Health Organization, [C]. Historical outbreaks, most prominently the and epidemics. creation of the polio vaccine through the eyes of its creator. Salk also describes his childhood and the events that lead up to his medical breakthrough. Latour, Bruno , Steve Woolgar, and Jonas Salk. Princeton: Princeton University Press, It showed the way that Jonas Salk studied polio and how he came to the conclusion that the vaccine was correct. He also taught that it is a life taking job and that polio vaccine was a difficult.
discovery of the Polio vaccine will be discussed and broken down into deeper thought on why and how it was discovered. Poliomyelitis is an infectious disease that reached epidemic levels in the mid twentieth century. People that were unfortunate to receive this disease faced hardships including fevers, sore throat and vomiting Allaby. These are just symptoms but Polio can be a vicious disease leaving their patients paralyzed. The Polio Vaccine in America When my daughter was a baby, and we decided to delay vaccination, a friend of my mother-in-law seemed thrilled with our decision. However, she advised to look into the polio vaccine because there wasn 't much they could do if someone did contract polio.
During my research, I have found that the polio vaccine is all but completely unnecessary for anyone in the United States. Let 's take a look at some of the most interesting information I have found. Taken directly. The Polio Vaccine The discovery of the polio vaccine was an important medical and scientific breakthrough because it saved many lives since the s. In the summer of the great polio epidemic struck the United states. By the s hundreds of thousands of people had been struck by the poliomyelitis. The highest number of cases occurred in with over 50, people infected with the virus. When hygienic conditions were poor polio attacked infants. The disease was spread by contaminated. The oliovirus invades the brain and spinal cord that causes that dysfunction within the muscles and can eventually cause paralysis.
The virus enters through the mouth and reproduces in the throat and intestines. The virus can be transmitted through person-to-person contact such as coughing or sneezing or by feces. The most common way that children developed polio was through. Vaccine-derived polioviruses: This is a very rare strain of poliovirus that is create by the mutation of the virus in the OPV. The OPV enters the intestine and multiplies. After it get absorbed into the bloodstream it activates the immune system. When the patient is excreting the virus it can change and be genetically altered.
To get paralysed from this type of poliovirus is very rare. THe paralytic type of vaccine-associated poliomyelitis only occurs in 1 of 2. If a community is not fully. The CDC, Center for Disease Control, says that polio used to be very common in the United States Before the polio vaccine and that it infected thousands of people each year with this severe illness. This outbreak stopped with the invention of the polio vaccine in In this essay we will discuss what polio is, how effected our world, and how the vaccine stopped the outbreak. Polio, or poliomyelitis, is a crippling and sometimes deadly infectious disease states the CDC.
The disease can invade a. immunizations, such as: Dtap, Polio, Hep A, and Varicella. First, I would ask mom if she would like her son to receive 4 mentioned above vaccines consent needed. For the Polio vaccine I would verify if Max. For the Polio vaccine, I would verify if. In the late s, several groups of researches and scientists were developing some vaccines against polio. At that time, polio was still an epidemic worldwide disease. One of these vaccines, made by Dr. Hilary Koprowski MD was used to test it on millions of people in Africa, after first being trailed in the USA. The vaccine virus was grown in tissue cultures taken from macaque monkeys before being introduced to millions of people , who were largely living in Burundi, Rwanda, and Congo.
Essay Topics Writing. Home Page Research Essay on Polio Vaccine. Essay on Polio Vaccine Decent Essays. Open Document. Poliomyelitis shortened to polio has been around for thousands of years, and there is still no cure, but at the peak of its devastation in the United States, Dr.
Public awareness of and concern for persons with disabilities was virtually non-existent until the poliomyelitis epidemic during the mid-twentieth century focused attention on the plight of disabled Americans. As the epidemiology of the disease evolved, poliomyelitis, polio for short, evolved from a disease of poor immigrants, living in crowded, filthy conditions to an affliction that struck across the social strata affecting the middle and upper classes. Through efforts. Poliomyelitis polio is a disease that attacks the nervous tissue in the spinal cord and the brain stem resulting in paralysis Document One.
Polio is caused by the poliovirus, but it is unknown how this virus is acquired. The virus enters the digestive tract and stays in the intestines for up to eight weeks, and then attacks the lymphatic system, the blood stream and eventually travels to the brain and spine Document Four. This may. The poliovirus is one of the most transmittable and most contagious viruses that the human population has come in contact with. Poliomyelitis, or polio, was a viral disease that had researchers baffled for years. It would enter the body orally, establish itself in the intestines, and affect the nerves, then travelled to the brain, usually leading to partial or full paralysis.
It was the most serious public health problem of postwar America, claiming more victims than any other disease of that time. Yet it did not gain national attention until FDR was diagnosed in At the age of 39, older than most diagnosed with the disease, Roosevelt was left with severe paralysis, and spent most of his presidency in a wheelchair. Anterior Poliomyelitis is a highly infectious disease that attacks the anterior horn of the spinal cord. Poliomyelitis translates to grey spinal matter inflammation. Polio is caused by a picorna virus that enters the body through mucus membranes and then multiplies in the throat and being an acidophile, can survive well in the stomach and small intestine.
When viremia occurs and persists, the virus will penetrate the capillary wall. Once this happens, it enters the central nervous system and begins attacking motor neurons. Polio is tissue specific and will only multiply and attack neurons. Nobody has ever discovered completely how it is that polio is spread. The best evidence suggests that the virus is excreted in the stool and passed through hand to hand or hand to mouth contact by people who do not wash their hands properly or often enough. It was during the first few years of the fifties and many years before then, that health department officials. Polio is an infectious disease that has killed and paralyzed many people Birth of Jonas Salk and the death of polio in India. It has taken the lives of.
Poliomyelitis, also commonly known as polio, is a viral infection that, at one point was virtually eradicated in the US SOURCE. The last major epidemic of polio was in the early 's SOURCE. Polio was characterized in one of three ways: nonparalytic. Polio, short for poliomyelitis, is a disease caused by the contraction of the poliovirus. Like influenza, smallpox and cholera, polio is a viral infection. This means that it is a disease caused by the spread of a virus. It spreads rapidly, and usually through person-to-person contact.
In addition, this virus can also be distributed through foods or drinks contaminated by infected fecal matter. Although polio is deadly, sometimes, contractors of polio do not show any symptoms. The first clinical description of this disease was provided by a British physician named Michael Underwood, in which he described the disease as debility of the lower extremities. In the s major epidemics started to occur in Europe, then made its way soon after into the United States. The first report of multiple cases was recorded in and described an outbreak that happened in Louisiana in The next large outbreak was in Boston in where there were 26 cases of poliomyelitis.
The following year was the first recognized epidemic in the United States which occurred in Vermont with total cases, including 18 deaths. By there were approximately 2, cases of polio reported in New York City alone. By , epidemics of polio were regular events throughout the developed world, mostly in cities during the warmer months. In there were over 27, cases including more than 6, deaths due to polio in the United States, with more than 2, deaths occurring in New York City alone. Poliomyelitis hit its peak in the s and s; it paralyzed or killed more than half a million people per year.
Polio or poliomyelitis was one of the most frightening diseases to parents and their children in the early 20th century. Polio has since been researched and eradicated in many countries but still continues to be a problem in others. There is no cure for polio. Your body will shut down and you will weaken, until you lose all muscle function. Tetanus is a serious bacterial disease that affects your nervous system, leading to painful muscle contractions, particularly of your jaw and neck muscles. Mayo clinic staff, Tetanus can also lead to death. Meningitis is inflammation of brain and. Polio or poliomyelitis is a viral infection that normally affects kids below the age of 5years old.
This childhood killer disease has been around for my centuries. Polio was first discovered my Jacob Heine in and later identified by Karl Landsteiner as poliomyelitis caused by polio virus from the enteric family of viruses. The polio virus is acquired through oral-fecal transmission. The Latin name simply means grey matter, and it is meaning inflation. There is a more serious form that can spread to the brain called polio encephalitis. The world over have cerebrated for the almost eradication of polio through improved sanitation, advancement in access to clean drinking water and aggressive vaccination campaign. There are challenges in recent years because the polio virus has re-emerged in places like Syria, Cameroun, Pakistan and Nigeria among others.
In a CNN cable television report the cases of polio in Syria in particular is alarming, there are s of new polio cases due to failure of the health system because of a raging civil, sectarian war. The case of Pakistan and Nigeria are of religious extremism where they belief the vaccines are causing harm to their children. These are challenges faced with the eradication of this deadly childhood disease to name a few. The problem is not limited to only these countries, even in the United States of America are some Christian extremist who belief this vaccines makes their children sick.
The world health organization WHO ,. Post-Polio syndrome is a musculoskeletal problem which occurs after an individual has had polio LaRocco, There are about , 00 people that survived polio LaRocco, Post-polio syndrome generally occurs 15 years after the polio virus has subsided LaRocco, The symptoms are muscle weakness, atrophy, pain, fatigue, and cold sensitivity. Fatigue can impair cognition as well as other symptoms Grafman et al. The symptoms can come on slowly or quickly. Pain and the psychiatric problems are important to control. Medication such as aspirin, hot pads and cold pads can help alleviate pain.
Post-Polio syndrome is not usually life threatening LaRocco, Whens the last time someone developed Polio? Not in a long time, this is because we have developed vaccines to protect us. Since the discovery of vaccinations the medical world has changed forever. Since the discovery scientist have created vaccines for many illnesses around the world. When traveling abroad or anywhere to be precautious ask a doctor about vaccine protocols. This also would help prevent the spread of outbreaks. Everyone should be vaccinated because with everyone's immunity built up outbreaks. Essay Topics Writing. Home Page Research Polio Essay. Polio Essay Decent Essays. Open Document. Poliomyelitis Poliomyelitis more commonly known as polio is a highly infectious disease, in which it affect the cells in the central nervous system CNS.
It mainly affect young children, mostly under the age of 5. Afghanistan and Pakistan are the only countries which have polio present within the population. Polio virus is most commonly found in area with low standards of sanitation. It spreads through faecal-oral transmission or through contaminated food and water. The polio virus works by replicating the motor neurons in the CNS and then destroying the original motor neuron cells. The virus manifests itself in the throat and the intestines, where the virus multiplies and spreads to other parts of the body through the use of the bloodstream. Non-paralytic polio may include symptoms like; fever, sore throat, headache, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, pain in the back and neck, stiffness in the arms and legs, muscle tenderness, spasms and in some of the worst cases meningitis which is an infection of the membranes surrounding the brain.
There are three types of paralytic polio, spinal, bulbar and bulbospinal. Spinal Polio attacks the motor neurons in the spinal cord which results in paralysis in the arm and legs, it can also cause breathing problems. Bulbar Polio affects the medulla oblongata, a muscle in the brain responsible for breathing, heart rate. It can lead to problematic health issues such as poor eyesight, difficulty in swallowing and respiratory issues like breathing problems. Bulbospinal Polio includes both the symptoms spinal and bulbar polio. On average, the syndrome occurs 35 years after the infection.
Symptoms of post-polio syndrome include; muscle and joint pain that progress throughout the body, muscle atrophy which is shrinking muscle volume, unexplained exhaustion and swallowing and breathing. Get Access. Best Essays.
Essay on Polio,Polio Vaccine : An Infectious Disease
WebPolio Is An Infectious Disease Essay • Eating food or drinking water contaminated with the virus found in human waste. • Contact with infected mucus or sputum from the nose or WebFree Polio Essays and Papers Polio Essay. INTRODUCTION Poliomyelitis also called polio is a sever virus infectious disease it is a major cause of polio. Early historians WebThe discovery of the polio vaccine was an important medical and scientific breakthrough because it saved many lives since the s. In the summer of the great polio WebIntroduction Poliomyelitis, commonly known as “Polio”, is an acute motor disease caused by the poliovirus that targets the anterior horn cells of the human spinal cord, and in severe WebJan 9, · About 1 out of 4 people (or 25 out of ) with poliovirus infection will have flu-like symptoms that can include: These symptoms usually last 2 to 5 days, then go away on their own. A smaller proportion Missing: essay WebPolio had existed in society for a long time in history, although not as big a problem in history as in the 20th century, when greater emphasis was put on sanitation and children ... read more
Open Document. The History of Poliomyelitis Essay Words 7 Pages. People who become infected with the poliovirus can start having symptoms as soon as four days after being infected, and not have any symptoms for as many as thirty five days. Explains that the creation of salk's polio vaccine has prevented constant outbreaks and reduced the threat of infection within the united states. the first outbreak in and the circumstances surrounding it created fear and panic.
A few state officials however, essay on polio, questioned the impartiality of the evaluation run by the foundation, and not by scientists. Open Document. This gave Salk a chance to get funding, equipment, a laboratory facility, and to hire a staff to work for and with him. To type the polio virus Salk infected monkeys with polio by injecting it into them or feeding it to them. The polio virus works by replicating the motor neurons in the CNS and then destroying the original motor neuron cells. Polio was a deadly disease that struck the Essay on polio States hard with various epidemic breakouts throughout the country. Like influenza, smallpox and cholera, polio is a viral infection.
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