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Essay about my father

Essay about my father

Remarkable Example of My Father Essay,Personal Narrative: My Papa

WebMy father is a dutiful son to my grandma, a loving husband, a caring father and a responsible family man. I aspire to follow him when I grow up. Words Essay On My WebNov 24,  · My dad is my hero A father is a person that everybody in the world should love. I love my father because he has taken care of me since I was born and not only WebApr 11,  · This is my father the way I see him. This is the father I love so much! And it is the only thing that matters! I have the clear understanding that there are no perfect WebMy Father: The Person I Admire Most Over time, there have been several people who have influenced various aspects of my life, based on their personal characteristics, ... read more

He is a gym member too. He goes there three days a week. He is the most important person in my life. I love him a lot. I think my life would never be like this without him. He has the highest contribution to my life. Every father is special and he is one of the most important persons in our life. Most of the time we talk about the love and affection of mothers for kids. But the father also has a huge love for his kids. We ignore that topic most of the time. But I can realize that when I stay with my father. Today I am going to tell you about my dad. He is an amazing person. He is a school teacher by profession.

He teaches in the nearest high school, I study in the same school. He is a 45 years old gentleman. My father is loved by everyone in the society because of his honesty and truthfulness. I am a proud son of his. He is a very hard-working person. After his job, he works in the garden. We together have made this garden in front of our home. I really feel great when I work in the garden. He is a very regular person following a strict routine. He prays regularly, gets up early in the morning , and does his job seriously. There is no doubt that my dad is my hero. There are so many reasons behind it. First of all, we as a family have faced a lot of hard times, but he was the person who took challenges and faced them with lots of courage and strength. He is the best teacher in my life. He teaches me some moral things that are highly important in life.

He is the only person in the family who supports financially. We are totally dependent on him. His education and suggestion are helping me to become a better person in life. I think my father is the best human alive in the world. He is popular in the neighborhood because of his honesty. Everyone loves him and respects him. As his son, people love me too. He loves me more than anything in the world and I love him a lot too. My dad is the best dad, no doubt. Everyone talks about the love and affection of a mother in life.

But most of the time we ignore the love and feelings for the father in all the shows, movies, and other things. Father is that person who gives us strength and support from the back. Whatever we achieve in our life, the father has the biggest contribution to that. Most of the fathers are the ideal person for their kids. I am sharing about my father here. My father is a farmer and we live in a village. He is a hard-working person. I am proud of my father. There are so many reasons why I am proud of him. First of all, I want to tell you about his life. He wakes up early in the morning and after breakfast, he takes all the cows on the field.

We have five big cows and we make a good amount of money selling milk. Then he goes to the paddy field. He works there till 2 PM. Then he comes back home and takes a shower and eats his lunch. Then he brings the cows back home. And sometimes in the early morning, he takes milk from the cows. In the afternoon, he goes to the village market to buy all the necessary things. Then he comes back home. He goes to sleep at 10 PM. He is living a very simple life. But he is a hard-working person. Everyone gives him respect and loves him. Our neighborhood is amazing. Everyone helps each other in need. My father is also very helpful and dedicated to the people. I consider my father as a hero. There are so many reasons behind that. The first reason is he is the only person who makes money for the family.

We are seven members of the family, but only he is supporting us financially. We four siblings are students and he needs to spend a good amount of money for us every month. But he always does that successfully. He is a peaceful person who loves to live peacefully. He never buys any expensive things for himself. He tries his best to make us happy. I feel lucky and great to become the son of him. He is always there for every member of the family to help us in times when we need his advice and direction in taking decisions. Anytime we have a problem, we take it to him, he tries to help us by sharing some of the problems that he also faced in the past that are quite similar to our problem and how he was able to overcome them. He also shares all of his achievements and drawbacks in life and tells us to learn from them.

My father has his personal online marketing business but he never insists any of his children to pursue a career in that same field so that we can take over after him. He does not even try to attract any of us to his business but he tries to teach how we can discover our own passion and fields of interest in life. He does his best to encourage us in the pursuance of our various dreams. I can boldly say that my dad is a very good dad and this is not as a result of him always helping me and being nice to me but because he shows great strength, knowledge, a good helping and nice nature. He also owns very good human relations skills.

He uses this as an example to encourage me to always work hard. I share all of my happy, sad and bad moments with him and he also does the same. He is always around to share with me all of his life experiences and how I can learn from them. My father also tells me all about his day and every event that occurred during the day. He is doing all his best to ensure that I grow up to become a very successful person that has good character and behaviour. My father always teaches me ethics, humanity and etiquettes of life that can help me in future. My father is always ready and willing to help the people who are needy around us and he tells us that giving is the most important thing in life.

My father also teaches my siblings and me how to be happy, healthy and fit throughout our lives. My father has shown himself to be very good to all the members of my extended family. If anyone of us is facing a particular problem, my father is usually the first person we go to for advice and help. My father has over the years proven to be a person who has a very kind heart and I can boldly say that he is my best friend and my hero. Appa was born in Coimbatore, the second son and third child in a family of 11 children. His father, my grandfather was a stern man, a respected civil engineer who worked for the colonial British government. Appa attended the Rishi Valley School in Yercaud, founded on the learning philosophy of Jiddu Krishnamurthy.

There he learned the value of discipline, respect for hard work, honesty, responsibility and constant learning. He worked there the rest of his life, and was regarded as brilliant and a genius. My childhood memories of him are as a stern, strict and not very communicative man. He felt a deep and abiding sense of responsibility towards his own family of birth as well as his marital family. The modest salary he always earned would be divided between these two families, and since he was terrible at currying favour or promoting himself, he never rose within the ranks of Voltas and his income remained quite pathetic till he died.

This officially made us a lower-middle class family and our childhoods were frugal, thrifty and austere. A little money meant a lot. Despite these constraints, Appa planned our futures successfully. For the rest of our lives, we had a roof over our heads. One of the most remarkable things about Appa was the number of things he was interested in. After several months, he bought himself a Singer sewing machine. From then, all our clothes, including winter school uniforms, were stitched by him. He was an outstanding cook, and loved cooking. Best of all, he was a brilliant musician, gifted in playing the vichitra veena. I have slowly realised how much of who I am was shaped by who he was. Like him, I never get bored, and remain fascinated by everything in life. I am today two years younger than he was when he died but have started learning to play piano, understand search engine optimisation, UX design and painting.

I learned from him that generosity is a state of mind, not a state of wallet. The number of nameless, faceless poor people he had helped was long, as we learned only after he died. Never demeaning his beneficiaries with a handout, he invited them to repay at their time and speed, but made sure that they did, thus restoring their self-respect. Without ever speaking about it, he has shown me what it means to be a father, and the meaning of selfless living. A single incident sums up my relationship with my dad. He wanted me to join the IIT and become an engineer. I wanted to be a writer, a profession he disdained as having no future. Headstrong, in , I stepped out of the train in which my family was relocating from Delhi to Bombay just as the whistle blew.

I was bent on living my life my way. My father, deeply upset, cut me off without a paisa, saying I could jolly well support myself if I was so confident about writing. And so I did, earning enough through writing for the evening papers to pay my rent, college fees and food. Six months later, my father, passing through Delhi in December, visited me to check how his strong-headed son was doing, and saw for himself that I was surviving well enough without borrowing or begging. He visibly swelled with pride. He hugged me, in one action forgiving me but also forgiving himself.

Also serves my grandparents and keeps the whole family together in a bond of love, hence he is the best father in the world. My father is a much disciplined person, he wakes up at am and after retiring from his routine, he does yoga and then goes for a run in the garden. My father has also taught me to be disciplined and respect the elders. He stands with me in every failure and success. Whenever I get nervous, he makes me excited by telling stories of courageous people and gives me encouragement. My father is very kind and he always helps others, he works for household expenses and my mother does household work.

My father is a very good person, hence I do not worry about telling the things of the office and take us for a walk in the garden every day. He also give time to his parents, ask their well-being and fulfill every wish of theirs. In fact, he is a good man as well as a good father and a good son. My father is a lawyer who works to provide justice to people this is a very good work, and he always goes to office on time and does his work with full diligence and integrity. Whenever I am disappointed or unable to score good in the exam, my father encourages me to increase my confidence.

He shares biographies of great men and also tells me about the events that had taken place his life, so that my self-confidence increases. My father always speaks the truth and also inspires me to speak the truth because we do not fear anything by speaking the truth. My father obeys every command of his parents, he serve them in the early morning and after returning from office he sit with them and discuss the whole day, which makes my grandparents very happy. He take us on a picnic at the end of the month, on that day we have a lot of fun, this increases our familiarity in life and all the family members understand each other. My father spends time with all the people along with doing his work, due to which the whole family remains united and there is an atmosphere of happiness.

No other person can struggle in the life as much as a father does. It is the father who forgets all his difficulties and shares happiness in the family. A father shows himself harsh from outside, but no one can be as kind and good as him.

Blessed are those who have the backing of a supportive father. These fantastic men help us discover who we are meant to become. Fathers are like the roots of a tree and make the roots of a strong foundation. They protect us from harm and make us productive members of society. He is the breadwinner of our family and amazes me daily with his dedication to work and love for his family. My father, Mohan Rao, is a businessman. He plays a vital role in shaping my character and significantly influencing my discussions and experiences. My father abides by a few morals like honesty, discipline, respect for everyone, never hurting anyone and seeking happiness in the small pleasures of life. I try to implement them too. My father is a dutiful son to my grandma, a loving husband, a caring father and a responsible family man.

I aspire to follow him when I grow up. It is true when they say the father is a daughter's first love. No one can love a girl as unconditionally as her father. My father gave me purpose and a dream to live a life. I acquired my traits of being unconventional and unique from him. Although non-conventional in his methods, he is a hardworking, passionate, caring, honest and dedicated person. He is a professional chef and cooks the best food in the world. He lights up the place within minutes of his arrival with his jolly nature and fantastic sense of humour. He provides me with security and physical and emotional comfort and builds my self-esteem. I learnt valuable life lessons like the importance of time, the virtues of discipline, the worth of money, and respecting elders from him.

His passion for music and sports interested me in learning guitar and playing football. He has been the guiding force in my life. In Indian cultures, a father is considered the head of the family. He is entrusted with the massive responsibility of fulfilling everyone's needs and providing them with a safe and secure life. He is the social leader and strict disciplinarian of the house. He is the ship's captain, helming the boat towards its destination. A father is a man who bestows wings on their kids to fly towards their dream. Then, some fantastic men in our life, such as uncles, friends, teachers, and mentors, take father figures in our life. I am privileged to have a biological father and also father figures in my life. My father is a taciturn, reserved, silent man.

He is a teacher passionate about maths. His first love is the family, seconded by maths. Although a man of fewer words, he understands everything without explaining. Unlike my father, my mother is a very chatty person. My father's silent energy is vital for maintaining the balance of the home. He is an honest, hardworking and disciplined man. I cannot recall any work my father did that required a rework. The first thing I learned from my father was that no matter how small or big the job is, it is essential to give total effort and dedication. This advice changed my life. He never spoke much but was always beside my mother as a constant shadow and me.

He has provided us with a very peaceful, fulfilling life. My Father Is Special My father enjoys the silly side of me and appreciates it too, but he also maintains strictness when the need arises. He tries his best to fulfil our needs, sometimes suppressing his own. He has provided me with a safe, open and accessible environment where I can keep my thoughts freely without hesitation, thus eliminating the need for lies. My father Is Benevolent My father is very caring towards animals, which instilled sympathy in me. He is a very charitable person who believes in silent donations. I have never witnessed him misbehaving, raising his voice, or cussing anyone, regardless of his anger. He always respects elders and follows culture and tradition with complete faith.

My father Is My Inspiration My father spends his weekend teaching underprivileged kids at no cost. He goes to a nearby park and holds maths tuitions for kids of all ages. He also makes considerable donations to stray dog welfare associations. He has made me understand the real meaning of love and compassion. My interest in becoming a veterinary doctor is through him. My father has all the qualities of a beautiful human being that I aspire to be. I strive every day to become like him. I only hope when I have a family of my own, every day, I see a little more of my father in me and that I can be as good of a parent figure to my kids. We endeavor to keep you informed and help you choose the right Career path. Sign in and access our resources on Exams, Study Material, Counseling, Colleges etc.

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My Dad Essay,My Father.

WebMy Father: The Person I Admire Most Over time, there have been several people who have influenced various aspects of my life, based on their personal characteristics, WebMy father is a dutiful son to my grandma, a loving husband, a caring father and a responsible family man. I aspire to follow him when I grow up. Words Essay On My WebNov 24,  · My dad is my hero A father is a person that everybody in the world should love. I love my father because he has taken care of me since I was born and not only WebApr 11,  · This is my father the way I see him. This is the father I love so much! And it is the only thing that matters! I have the clear understanding that there are no perfect ... read more

Family Aneurysm. Why is this so, does our father does nothing for us? commemorative speech Words 2 Pages. The effect of dealing with that at such a young caused my father to not view the situation in a negative aspect, but used it to motivate him to improve his own life in some way and to get out of there. If you want to write about your father, you need to think a bit. Meanwhile, looking up to him has given me the opportunity and the skills for this field.

As we grow older, we are promised our parents will always love us no matter how difficult love may be. He is always telling me I am destined for greatness, I am priceless and worth more than the world to Him. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly, essay about my father. See him do this for so long really taught me that if you work hard in life than you can achieve anything you want. Now as I have grown up I admire him for everything he essay about my father done for me.

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